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Thread Choice Matters...

Does It Really Matter What Thread I Use to Sew With?

When it comes to sewing, the focus often falls on the fabric, pattern, and technique. However, one crucial component that can make or break your project is the thread. Yes, it really does matter what thread you use to sew with. The right thread can enhance the durability, appearance, and overall quality of your creation, while the wrong thread can lead to frustration and subpar results. Let's dive into why the choice of thread is so important and how to select the best one for your sewing projects.

The Importance of Thread Quality

  1. Strength and Durability The primary function of thread is to hold your fabric together. High-quality thread is stronger and more durable, ensuring that your seams can withstand wear and tear. Cheap, low-quality thread is more prone to breakage and fraying, which can compromise the integrity of your garment or item.

  2. Seam Appearance Thread quality also affects the appearance of your seams. Good-quality thread lays smoothly and evenly in the seam, creating a clean and professional look. Inferior thread can result in uneven stitches, puckering, and a generally untidy appearance.

  3. Compatibility with Fabric The right thread complements the fabric you are working with. Different fabrics require different types of thread to achieve optimal results. Using the wrong thread can cause issues like puckering, tension problems, and even damage to the fabric.

Types of Threadand Their Uses

  1. Cotton Thread Cotton thread is a staple in many sewing projects. It has a matte finish and is strong, making it ideal for woven fabrics like cotton and linen. It’s less stretchy, which can be a drawback for knit fabrics. Cotton thread is perfect for quilting, piecing, and general sewing.

  2. Polyester Thread Polyester thread is highly versatile and durable, with a slight stretch, making it suitable for a wide range of fabrics, including knits and synthetic materials. It’s strong, resistant to shrinkage and fading, and works well for both hand and machine sewing.

  3. Nylon Thread Nylon thread is incredibly strong and elastic, making it ideal for sewing stretchy fabrics like spandex and lycra. It’s also commonly used in upholstery, outdoor gear, and heavy-duty projects due to its strength and durability.

  4. Silk Thread Silk thread is luxurious, strong, and has a beautiful sheen. It’s perfect for delicate fabrics like silk and satin, as well as for hand-sewn details and heirloom sewing. Its smooth texture prevents it from causing damage to fine fabrics.

  5. Specialty Threads Specialty threads, such as metallic, embroidery, and topstitching threads, are designed for specific purposes. Metallic threads add a decorative touch, while embroidery threads come in a variety of colours and finishes for intricate designs. Topstitching threads are thicker and used for visible stitching to add a professional look to hems, pockets, and decorative seams.

Tips for Choosing the Right Thread

  1. Match the Thread to the Fabric Always consider the fabric when choosing your thread. A good rule of thumb is to use a thread that matches the weight and type of your fabric. For instance, use lightweight thread for lightweight fabrics and heavier thread for thicker fabrics.

  2. Check Thread Quality Invest in high-quality threadfrom reputable brands. While it might be tempting to save money on cheaper threads, the quality of your finished project will reflect the quality of the thread used.

  3. Test Before You Sew Before starting your project, test the thread on a scrap piece of fabric. This helps you ensure that the thread tension is correct and that the thread works well with your fabric and sewing machine.

  4. Consider the Purpose Think about the purpose of your project. For items that will undergo a lot of stress, like clothing or upholstery, choose a strong, durable thread. For decorative items, you might prioritize appearance over strength.

  5. Colour Matching For visible seams, choose a thread colour that matches or complements your fabric. If you can’t find an exact match, go for a slightly darker shade rather than a lighter one, as it tends to blend better.


In conclusion, the type of thread you use in your sewing projects matters significantly. It affects the strength, durability, and appearance of your finished items. By understanding the different types of threads available and their appropriate uses, you can ensure that your sewing projects are not only beautiful but also long-lasting. So, next time you reach for a spool of thread, remember that this small choice can make a big difference in your sewing success. Happy sewing!
